Activating 12 Strand Dna Activation


DNA Activation and the 12 Strand DNA Reawakening. What Exactly is the 12 Strand DNA? There is a whole lot of confusing information out there on the internet about the 12 strand DNA, what it is, how it functions, and how it can be activated. My intention here is to give you the most accurate information possible in a way.

  1. Dna Activation
  2. Activating 12 Strands Of Dna
  3. What Is Dna Activation

DNA ACTIVATION At present, humanity on Earth has 2-strand DNA in the cells of the body. Light (information) expresses through the medium of what we call consciousness, and that consciousness is encoded within DNA. The +/- polarities in light are comparable to the DNA-RNA, which could be described as the polarities of human consciousness.

This is also the reason that human consciousness goes from light to dark. Through the 12-strand DNA Activation, 10 additional strands are activated in the body cells. The additional DNA strands are of magnetic, multi-dimensional nature and cannot be detected by present scientific equipment. We assume from testing and response that the changes initially occur in the etheric body. These additional DNA strands trigger the countless number of cellular activities necessary to change our dense physical carbon body into a physical-etheric crystalline body and change our energy fields.

It is said that 97% of DNA is non-functioning. For numerous people with awakened consciousness, this dormant material is considered as a living data storage containing the instruction sets for our greater human potential. What is coded within our secret vault is a potential so vast that it boggles the mind to think that something so profound could be so accessible. Simply by shifting our perceptions, by coming into a new way to define our personal reality, we can override the carbon framework at the level of the nucleic acid bases in the DNA. Leading scientists are proving that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead, DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell. This includes the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts.

The bottom line here is that our thoughts and feelings directly affect our DNA. Positive shifts of perception and new feeling states trigger DNA activation. Moreover, when we consciously engage with the living intelligence of DNA, it gets majorly stimulated and starts pushing out the greater potential that is held within the latent code. Just as we are merely sequences of a four letter code (ATCG), the basis of life is very simple. We change and transform all the time.

We are constantly redefining ourselves. From every one of these consciousness shifts, we are literally changing our code. Bruce Lipton, Stem Cell Biologist is now on the forefront of the new science of epigenetics.

His breakthrough research and discoveries have bridged Quantum Physics with cell biology in the communication of DNA through mind and matter. Click On to Watch We have the ability to change in the wink of an eye if we can truly grasp these ideas and start acting from the full knowing of our higher capabilities. Our DNA programs are like snakes shedding old skins; we are constantly releasing old encodings. These encodings are merely stored impressions that can be reprogrammed. As we shift our perceptions, cell biology changes.

Activating 12 Strand Dna Activation

Our vibration increases and the DNA base letters rearrange. Everything on the planet is in great change.

Electromagnetic currents are altering, the magnetic fields are shifting and many things are no longer being held down in their familiar place. We are getting unlocked! This brings tremendous change to the biological body and the entire structure of our DNA encodement.It is these additional strands of DNA that trigger the change of our total being into an Ascension Vehicle that will carry us into the fifth dimension. This is the reason we have said that the DNA and the RNA are communication systems. It would be as if DNA is the link to the Higher Self and the Soul and RNA would be the soul’s response.Through this DNA upgrade process, awareness is brought into the consciousness and Intention is set into motion. To strengthen the connection to your Higher Selves, new attributes will be employed. You are in the process of changing a critical part of the biology known to you as DNA.

This new template allows you to walk in full unison with your Higher Self in every moment. Integration of the Higher-God -Self into physical form. Effects of DNA Upgrades. Open the crystalline seals and switch on dormant DNA Override limiting memory fields housed within the body. Raise your vibration into the new bliss blueprint. Reprogram, rebalance and restore cell function. Gain energy, clarity and body alignment.

Build stronger neurological circuitry to hold more light. Crystallize the vibrational templates of higher evolution. Improve manifestation of your preferred reality.

Open more channels for Higher Self embodiment. Bring forth unrealized talents and abilities.

Explanation of the additional 10 Strands 3rd DNA Strand – The Meaning of the Third Strand DNA Activation is to release the death programming. 4th DNA Strand–The Meaning and Function of the Fourth Strand DNA Activation is the fifth dimensional light filter on the Third Eye is dissolved. This allows us to begin receiving the Light language of the fifth dimension through our Third Eye. The Third Eye is like a receptor-prism of the Light Language that carries instructions to the body’s cells about changing the physical body into a physical-etheric light body. Additional information flows into our conscious mind allowing life to be experienced multi-dimensional. Through massive light absorption our cells remember their Divine Perfection and vibrate in absolute oneness with the Immaculate Concept.

5th DNA Strand–The Meaning and Function of the Fifth Strand DNA Activation-the fifth dimensional filter on the heart chakra is dissolved. This means the information we access through our third eye is expressed through action in a loving, heartfelt way. We have the ability to heal ourselves and others, spontaneously and instantaneously as Divine Love and Truth radiate from our every cell. The 4th and 5th strands go hand in hand. 6th DNA Strand–The Meaning and Function of the Sixth Strand DNA Activation-the Light language from the sixth dimension continues to feed information to the body cells regarding transformation into a physical-etheric being.

Sixth dimensional information begins to flow through our conscious mind as we plunge deeper into experiencing life multi-dimensionally. We remember HOW to control the spin of our electrons.

This activates our super human abilities.such as shapeshifting and bilocation. 7th DNA Strand–The Meaning and Function of the Seventh DNA Activation the sixth dimension light filter on the heart chakra is dissolved. Again, that ensues that the information we access through our Third Eye is expressed through action in a loving, heartfelt way. We are radiators of love’s transfiguration we constantly transfer our perfected patterns to all life as we are ALL the SAME particles of energy. The 6th and 7th strands go hand and hand. 8th DNA Strand–The Meaning and Function of the Eighth Strand DNA Activation- The seventh dimension light filter on the Third Eye Chakra is dissolved. The Light Language of the seventh dimension feeds more information into the body cells regarding transformation into a physical-etheric being.

As seventh dimensional information begins to flow into our conscious mind, we are now receiving instructions directly from the quantum Christ Realm. The Meaning and Function of the Ninth DNA Activation-The seventh dimension light filter on the Heart Chakra is dissolved. This ensures that the information we access through our Third Eye is expressed through actions of unconditional love.

Through rhythm and constancy, we are masters of our emotional body. We maintain a strong, steady and stabilized form. Our emoting frequencies are joy.peace.tranquility and unconditional love able to transform other energy fields The 8th and 9th strands go hand in hand. 10th DNA Strand–The Meaning and Function of the Tenth Strand DNA Activation-your Ascension Vehicle activates. In the Seventh Dimension Activation, the North and South Poles opened to the flow of quantum Christ energy surrounding the body in a 100-ft.

Diameter cloud. When the 10th strand activates, what’s known as the Metatron Matrix forms around the cloud containing it like a vessel so it does not dissipate. Your individual Ascension Vehicle is now completely formed.

You naturally attract everything that is needed and required to fulfill the Divine Plan. Through your purity in the eternal now, you have the power to manifest instantly on the physical plane. Through thought and feeling alone. 11th DNA Strand–The Meaning and Function of the Eleventh DNA Activation-A Planetary Ascension Vehicle has also formed around Mother Earth. Now, as the 11th strand activates, lines of light connect your Individual Ascension Vehicle to mother earth’s from your North Pole to Earth’s North Pole and from your South Pole to Earth’s South Pole. Your every thought, action, word, and feeling is being guided by your mighty I AM Presence.

We simply know that we are in perfect alignment in every moment. Trusting in the Group Plan, we move forward in our daily lives as a sacred instrument of God. 12th DNA Strand–The Meaning and Function of the Twelfth DNA Activation-As the 12th strand activates, your Individual Ascension Vehicle is charged by a continuous flow of electro-magnetic energy through the poles from the Planetary Ascension Vehicle. When Mother Earth shifts, everyone connected to her through their Individual Ascension Vehicles will shift with her.

We live, breathe, think, and feel as ONE, entering into a relationship of perfect love and perfect trust with every life form as we shine our radiant example of the infinite possibilities of God embodied on Earth.

A friend recently asked for instruction on Activating Multiple Strand Spiritual DNA. In response to her request I have written the following and decided to share it here for any who may want to use this particular process for Activating their Multiple Strand Spiritual DNA. DNA Activation Process I suggest you start with initially activating 12 Strands of Spiritual DNA, then proceed in increments of 12 until you reach 72; so that would be 12 Double Helix Strands initially activated, followed by 24, then 36, 48, 60, 72. Once you have activated the first 72 Double Helix Strands of Spiritual DNA you will then activate another 72, which will take you to 144 Double Helix Strands of DNA, or 288 Single Strands of DNA. First I would like to share this article I wrote back in February of 2012. In it I shared a bit of information about Spiritual DNA. Here is what I wrote on Spiritual DNA, and a link to the whole article if you would like to read it in full.

Is my old web-site. “5) Back to that Spiritual DNA we were talking about By now most Lightworkers are aware of the process of activating multiple “new” strands of Spiritual DNA.

The Spiritual DNA we are currently activating has always been a part of our complete Spiritual Self, and is necessary for raising the frequency of our physical and etheric bodies so as to enable us to, safely and effectively move “back into” our Light Bodies. Sometimes this process is misunderstood. It is more clearly stated that we are RE-Activating these Spiritual DNA strands. They have always been there; we just stepped too deeply into dense frequency vibratory rate realms for them to operate at full capacity. In a very basic manner, the vast majority of these Spiritual DNA strands had to shut down almost completely or we would not have been capable of moving into such dense frequency realms. This DNA has always been within us, and the knowledge of this hidden and almost completely dormant DNA allowed those who knew of it to implant mechanisms and devices into it that aided them in using it in controlling ways.

Dna Activation

Keeping the knowledge of these “Spiritual DNA Strands” hidden for as long as possible was the first order of business for the Shadow Side Forces. Strategically placed locks within particular Spiritual DNA Strands create blockages to the knowledge of the truth of humankind’s Spiritual heritage. Tactically placed, these obstructions create stumbling blocks that, although they cannot and will not halt the inevitable outcome of all that is encompassed in the current Ascension process, if left unchecked and unattended, can and will, slow the process.

Every truth humans reawaken to, deal with and take charge of implementing into their lives, individually and collectively, is one less blockage that can hinder the progression of our journey home to ONEness.” Now for the activation process Each of us has what we can term or label an “Etheric Physician”; “Etheric” meaning non-terrestrial. Very basically, I guess you could say, this is one of our Spiritual Guides who we can call on to help us maintain and care for our Etheric and Physical Bodies, including our Aura; our personal energy field. Step 1: Go into a meditative state with the intention of calling upon your Personal Etheric Physician. The first time you call upon your Personal Etheric Physician, I suggest you take the time to meet them and get to know them a bit. Very much like you would a physician in the physical world. Questions you may want to ask and have answered Do they emit a Masculine of Feminine frequency?

(to us are they male or female) What is his/her name? What do they look like? Where are they from? Have you work with them before? And if so, when and where? And any other questions you might have.

Step 2: Once you have gotten to “know” them, you can either set an appointment for later, (if you are ready to physically leave meditation) to Activate the number of Spiritual Strands of DNA you are ready to activate and maintain. Sometimes they will have specific instructions as to certain work they want you to do for a certain number of days, in preparation for the Activation. Examples such as, they may want you to fast and/or cleanse. They may want you to meditate on something specific for a certain amount of time, or they may want you to finalize some particular type of emotional release work, etc. They may also ask you to gather crystals or other stones of particular vibratory rates to utilize during the activations, or even particular Essences or Essential Oils. Other times they will think you are ready then. Simply follow their instructions.

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On the day of each activation, try to find at least a several hour period when you will be undisturbed. This allows you time for the meditation process where the activation will take place, plus time afterwards for relaxing and allowing the initial assimilation of the new frequencies to settle into your personal energy field/aura and you physical body. A visual for this newly activated Spiritual DNA: The Double Helix Strands of DNA weave themselves together creating an energy channel, or tube, that runs through the center of your body. Basically you can visualize it creating a boundary, or the wall of your Sushumna Channel.

(For now only focus on the Sushumna Channel in the picture below, and do not concern yourself with the Ida and Pingala energy channels for this work.). Sushumna Channel & Ida and Pingala Channels The activation of each additional 12 Strand increment increases the diameter of the Sushumna Channel. How this will feel is very individual. My personal experience is that once all 72 Double Helix Strands are activated and woven together, the Sushumna Channel fills approximately the center 1/3 of the physical body. Once you have activated the first 72 Double Helix Strands of Spiritual DNA, and have worked with this for a sufficient amount of linear time and are comfortable with maintaining this frequency, then you are ready to activate the next 72 Strands.

Activating 12 Strands Of Dna

The Second 72 Strands of Spiritual DNA The activation of these 72 Strands is done all at once. I suggest, if possible in your daily life, you set aside two days of at least minimal physical exertion for this activation. (Alone time is always best, but is not always afforded to us in our day to day lives.) This will give you time to do the work with your Etheric Physician and then have a relaxing down time to let the physical body rest and adjust to the substantial frequency increase. The process is the same as with the smaller number strand activations. I highly suggest you meet with your Etheric Physician a few days, to a week or so before you plan on doing this activation to see if they have any specific instructions they would like for you to follow. The activation of this second set of 72 Double Helix Strands of Spiritual DNA creates a second outer wall of your Sushumna Channel. In other words, the “Energy Channel/Tube” created by the first 72 Strands will be contained just inside this “Energy Channel”.

Like double paned glass, this makes a second layer. On the day of this Activation, do as before and move into your meditative state, following all instructions from your Etheric Physician. Allow quite relaxing time to assimilate these new frequencies after the work is completed. If you notice, each of the numbers associated with this DNA Activation process adds to either a 3, a 6 or a 9. This is the same number sequence associated with the Solfeggio Frequencies. I highly recommend the use of the Solfeggio Frequencies during the time of preparation for, and in the actual Activations.

Personally I suggest you specifically use the 528 Hz – Miracle/DNA Repair and the 417 Hz – Transmutation. The use of any and/or all is fine, but these two in particular are very good for this work. If you are not familiar with the Solfeggio Frequency tones and music, you can simply search it on the web. There are many good Solfeggio music videos on Youtube and you can buy any number of versions of them on iTunes. Just find what resonates with you.

Remember, 12 Double Helix Strands is actually 24 Single Strands of DNA, 24 Double Helix Strands is actually 48 Single Strands of DNA, etc. Each Double Helix Stand pair will have a Masculine/+ Charged Strand and a Feminine/ – Charged Strand joined into one “Double Helix”. Double Helix DNA In conjunction with these activation, once you have assimilated and adjusted to the higher frequencies you are now holding and maintaining, (allow several weeks after the assimilation of the second 72 Strands before doing this next step), you will initiate a double spin direction of these two layers of Spiritual DNA. Once again, go into your meditative state and call upon your Etheric Physician to assist you in this process.

Initiate/Start the inner Energy Channel spinning in a clockwise direction. Give a few minutes to allowing this spin to start and then find its proper rate of spin. Once this feels complete you will then initiate the outer Energy Channel to begin spinning in a counter-clockwise direction.

Give yourself time to allow these two spin directions to find equilibrium and set the proper spin rate and ratio to each other. Your Double Helix Strand Spiritual DNA Activation is now complete. My personal advice: 1: Don’t let your ego guide you into thinking you can skip ahead in this process. You can cause yourself emotional and mental discomfort and slow the process down by thinking and acting on decisions made with Ego’s voice and advise. 2: You need to give some linear time, usually a few weeks, (1 to 3) between each additional Activation.

You have to learn to operate, and maintain each higher frequency. 3: Consciously work each day with these newly RE-activated Strands of Spiritual DNA. Give at least a few minutes time each day to making sure your energy is flowing correctly and with no blockages. 4: Become acquainted with what the energy flows feel like along these Strands and within this newly expanded Sushumna Channel. If you discover any blockages, or begin having emotional, mental or physical issues, simply call upon your Etheric Physician for assistance and follow their instructions. 5: For all who practice Energy Healing. Remember, we each have our own personal Etheric Physician.

What Is Dna Activation

Activating 12 Strand Dna Activation

When you are doing Healing Energy Work on another, you can call on your Etheric Physician to contact their Etheric Physician for assistance. Once you become more efficient at working with Etheric Physicians, you can call directly on the Etheric Physician of the person you are doing the Healing Energy Work for. I hope this information is of assistance. It has been shared in the Frequency and the Energy of Unconditional Love and ONEness. In-Joy your newly RE-awakened Frequencies. Blessings from All Realms of Creation Essence Ka tha’ras © 2013 Essence Ka tha’ras Shambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round Please feel free to share this information, but only in its entirety, and with credit to the Author – Essence Ka tha’ras and please add a link back to this web-site.

This entry was posted on 14.09.2019.