Guild Wars 2 Crafting Guide Pdf

Guild Wars 2 Crafting Guide Pdf

Guild Wars 2 Crafting Guide 400-500

Aug 26, 2012  We’ve partnered with the experts at BradyGames to bring you a comprehensive guide to all things Tyria—the Guild Wars 2 Official Strategy Guide. This thick tome of knowledge is packed with as much information and analysis that BradyGames could fit between the covers, and it’s available.

Legendary weapon is the most powerful available equipment with an unique look, what causes that no one will ignore such weapon. It's also one of the last and most difficult goal to achieve, both in PvE and WvW. It requires huge amounts of gold, skill and karma points and time. At the time being you can find only few legendary weapons in the game. To craft a legendary weapon you need four components: a proper exotic precursor weapon, Gift of Fortune, Gift of Mastery and for the chosen weapon Gift of (name of the legendary weapon). Then you have to join all elements in the Mystic Forge.

In theory it looks easy, but it'll take many hours to fulfill. Collecting materials to create all gifts is very time- and resource consuming.

Required components Name Type Components Precursor.

I'm going to keep this review short and sweet, for those of you (like me) that would rather be spending your time playing the game instead of reading a review. Furthermore, this review is strictly in relation to the BradyGames guide and not the actual game by ArenaNet. The game itself, frankly may be the most intuitive and enjoyable MMO I have played to date. So far, it is a breath of fresh air in the MMO genre as there are several things done differently and those things that do feel familiar are polished in such a way as to make you truly appreciate the effort behind this game. If only the guide were up to par. First thing's first: this is NOT a strategy guide! Providing tidbits here and there that qualify as obvious information to anyone playing this game with half-an-ounce of common sense, does not count.

As several others have already stated, this book is extremely light on actual strategy. In addition, there are far too many pages of the book devoted to players that have never set foot in an MMO. I'd be remiss if I also didn't mention that this book has me seriously questioning the direction of BradyGames as a company. First, the editing in this manual leaves a lot to be desired. Also, I'm not certain as to why BradyGames feels the need to waste valuable real estate discussing the basics of MMO gaming. That is what in-game tutorials are for!

And, on that note this leads me to my overall interpretation of what this guide really is: this strategy guide is simply a glorified user manual! However, with all of that said, I've purchased enough strategy guides at this point to realize that there is a 99.9% chance that the so-called strategy guide I'm purchasing will tell me nothing that I can't already figure out in a limited amount of play-sessions. So, I went in buying this book knowing that I'd get a nice hardcover collectible with great artwork, a smidgeon of info devoted to the history of Guild Wars, and something that I could read while I'm away from my computer. The real disappointment for me with this guide is simply the lack of attention given to crafting, particularly in a game where crafting is so powerful in terms of leveling (the first player to level 80 since launch, apparently reached 80 entirely by crafting). In summary, if you're looking for a decent hardcover collectible with great artwork, would like to catch up on the history of Guild Wars 2, or are just looking for something to keep you occupied with some basic to general information on the game of Guild Wars 2 (while away from your computer), then this book is for you. If instead, you are looking for something long on strategy, look elsewhere, like perhaps to free online profession guides submitted by players (youtube is a great place).

More importantly, spend your time playing the game and learning that way via trial and error. Like getting good at anything in this world: it takes practice, practice, practice:). After owning and buying this product for a month, I have to note I'm very disappointed. To call it a strategy guide should be a crime.

First the maps are not all correct with places of interest. Second it has no Vista listings in the hard book OR the flip map (that shows the book was written way before all the information was added to the game). Even if it did list the vistas it would not tell you how to get to them. Third the book really doesn't have a strategy anywhere in there.

If you are looking how to craft, it's not going to give you the break down, you have a better chance at looking online. The book just tells you what you already know. There is no descriptions on 'how' to beat anything (monsters, jump puzzles, end bosses) which would be in a typical strategy guide. Don't waste your money, just use the wiki or Google for any information you need.

Now if you want a pretty paper weight or a conversation starter to sit on your coffee table, yeah grab it up. But don't rely on it for game material. Don't buy this and expect to become a master of the game. Heck it won't even make you a novice, just one step above n00b (which since the game launch if you've been playing, you should be anyway). This book is an EPIC FAIL unlike the game it claims to be for. I'm going to keep this review short and sweet, for those of you (like me) that would rather be spending your time playing the game instead of reading a review. Furthermore, this review is strictly in relation to the BradyGames guide and not the actual game by ArenaNet.

The game itself, frankly may be the most intuitive and enjoyable MMO I have played to date. So far, it is a breath of fresh air in the MMO genre as there are several things done differently and those things that do feel familiar are polished in such a way as to make you truly appreciate the effort behind this game. If only the guide were up to par. First thing's first: this is NOT a strategy guide!


Providing tidbits here and there that qualify as obvious information to anyone playing this game with half-an-ounce of common sense, does not count. As several others have already stated, this book is extremely light on actual strategy. In addition, there are far too many pages of the book devoted to players that have never set foot in an MMO. I'd be remiss if I also didn't mention that this book has me seriously questioning the direction of BradyGames as a company. First, the editing in this manual leaves a lot to be desired. Also, I'm not certain as to why BradyGames feels the need to waste valuable real estate discussing the basics of MMO gaming. That is what in-game tutorials are for!

And, on that note this leads me to my overall interpretation of what this guide really is: this strategy guide is simply a glorified user manual! However, with all of that said, I've purchased enough strategy guides at this point to realize that there is a 99.9% chance that the so-called strategy guide I'm purchasing will tell me nothing that I can't already figure out in a limited amount of play-sessions. So, I went in buying this book knowing that I'd get a nice hardcover collectible with great artwork, a smidgeon of info devoted to the history of Guild Wars, and something that I could read while I'm away from my computer. The real disappointment for me with this guide is simply the lack of attention given to crafting, particularly in a game where crafting is so powerful in terms of leveling (the first player to level 80 since launch, apparently reached 80 entirely by crafting).

In summary, if you're looking for a decent hardcover collectible with great artwork, would like to catch up on the history of Guild Wars 2, or are just looking for something to keep you occupied with some basic to general information on the game of Guild Wars 2 (while away from your computer), then this book is for you. If instead, you are looking for something long on strategy, look elsewhere, like perhaps to free online profession guides submitted by players (youtube is a great place). More importantly, spend your time playing the game and learning that way via trial and error. Like getting good at anything in this world: it takes practice, practice, practice:). In my opinion, this book is very helpful.

I have used it numerous times for things I did not know about Guild Wars 2. I do agree however that it is more of a manual than a traditional strategy guide. You can't really write a strategy guide for an MMO though. The only thing I see them adding that is more 'strategic' is maybe a map of each zone with all the PoI's, Vistas, Waypoints and Renown Tasks (perhaps how to get the vistas as well). The reason why I give it 4/5 stars is for this reason. It does however, give suggestions for strategies on how to play a class such as weapon choices and ability choices for certain situations(which all seem to be pretty accurate).

You don't have to be new to MMO's to have this, even just being new to Guild Wars is handy because the game is so different from most MMO's. Just having it to read when you can't play is entertaining enough! The artwork is nicely done and there are a minimal amount of typos, making it easy to read especially when you are on the go and need to look something up quickly. The hard cover is fantastic to have for the price. Other stores have the soft cover for $20 so this is a bargain. I would recommend this to everyone, even if you don't need it.

It is great to have to look at and share with friends when they stop. After owning and buying this product for a month, I have to note I'm very disappointed.

To call it a strategy guide should be a crime. First the maps are not all correct with places of interest.

Second it has no Vista listings in the hard book OR the flip map (that shows the book was written way before all the information was added to the game). Even if it did list the vistas it would not tell you how to get to them.

Third the book really doesn't have a strategy anywhere in there. If you are looking how to craft, it's not going to give you the break down, you have a better chance at looking online. The book just tells you what you already know. There is no descriptions on 'how' to beat anything (monsters, jump puzzles, end bosses) which would be in a typical strategy guide. Don't waste your money, just use the wiki or Google for any information you need.

Now if you want a pretty paper weight or a conversation starter to sit on your coffee table, yeah grab it up. But don't rely on it for game material. Don't buy this and expect to become a master of the game. Heck it won't even make you a novice, just one step above n00b (which since the game launch if you've been playing, you should be anyway). This book is an EPIC FAIL unlike the game it claims to be for.

I am a new GW2 player and decided to buy this guide. PROS Has detailed data for each character which could come in handy for a new player Its cheap CONS The pages are very cheap and thin. The pictures are dark and not very clear.

The material is outdated. Since there have been some updates, the UI screens have all changed. I haven't really spent too much time reading the rest of the book, but you do need to understand what you are getting. I will be revisiting the book during the next few weeks and will provide an updated review. I bought the book for under $6.00 so im giving the book 3 stars and would recommend the book at this price.

I would NOT pay more than $10 for this though. Forgot to give a review after I started playing. It's 100% honest and accurate now. Been playing about two years straight and I gotta say this game and strategy guide is well worth your money and time. Was addicted to the game like bees to honey in the first few days of playing once I got the hang of it.

I recommend learning all the basics first then starting a new character. This strategy guide made learning those basics much much more simple and easier by far. It made understanding the game, the storyline, and the layout of the map a breeze.

All mmorpg fans definetly need to give this game a go. You won't be disappointed.

Remember when game guides used to tell you all the in depth bits of the game you couldn't figure out on your own? Like dungeon maps, where to find certain items, all that jazz. Well, if you want a guide like that. Forget this one. If you don't know how to play, don't know any back story, then this 'instruction manual' as someone else called it. But otherwise this book is useless to me. No crafting recipes, no vista points or hearts in the stand up map, no suggestions on where to find crafting items, the ranger 'where to get this pet' list doesn't have enough info (Like some pets are just listed under 'starter' pets for a certain race, when you can still find them and tame them without choosing them as a starter), and the book is riddled with typos and misprinted information.

One page even had the same paragraph printed right under it! How can you miss that in editing? Though if you did want a crafting recipe list they have it for free to download from their site in PDF form. So there's that. But its kinda eyebrow raising since there are page numbers on the guide in the 700s, and my book ends in the 500s. Makes me think they originally planned for it to be in the book and then took it out for some reason.

Also, there is no information in either the guide book nor the map stand book that tells you how to download the digital copy of this guide. Then when you go to the Brady Games site there is no info on how to get it either. Even entering the code in the back of the book on the site doesn't get anything. Not that I need a digital copy of a book that I don't need anyways, but just throwing that in there for those excited about having two copies. But yeah, to sum it up, if you want a little lore and a 'how to' then this book is for you.

If you're a serious gamer and just want to find out the stuff you can't readily figure out yourself. I'd pass this one.

I have used various strategy guides over the years, and this one is of top notch quality. Not only is the guide well written, the materials is also very nice indeed. I used the strategy guide heavily when I first started the game, but after a while, as expected, you probably won't need the book anymore. I would reccomend this if you are still under one month old in the Guild Wars 2 universe, otherwise, you already know enough to skip the majority of the book. The main problem is that as skills change and get balanced, the book will slowly become innacurate. Pretty much everything in this book can be found on the internet, but the layout of it makes it that much quicker.

I bought this product hoping to have a reference for all the crafting, as the crafting system in GW2 is great. Instead what you got was generic freely available information with some nice art work plastered throughout. If you go to the brady web site they say they forgot to include the 250 pages of crafting information and allow you to download it for free. The maps in the book are all long outdated and some do not even make the book either. If you feel like having this as you collect GW2 stuff then for the art work it is good, otherwise just go to the brady website and download the only real informaton that this book should have provided for free.

Disapointing overall. I wanted a Guild Wars 2 book, but all my local Gamestop sold was the basic paper back, and I really wanted something hardback.

Guild Wars 2 Crafting Guide Pdf

This guide is exactly what I wanted it to be. It has a lore overview, class overview, and some interesting information I had never thought to be included. The price I paid with shipping was a great deal! Just a few days after I bought this product, I saw the same book in Walmart for twice the price. It shipped incredibly fast, and arrived two days sooner than its estimated time. I could not be happier with the seller or the product itself.

If you are looking for a guide to GW2 that will look pretty sitting on your shelf, this is the guide for you. It even came with this little 'calendar' style map that sits on your desk. I played GW1 and now GW2.This Strategy Guide covered all the basics including an excellent GW History Timeline so a Role Player like myself really understood the depth of the War to date. I actually felt like the Guide was speaking to me.Guild Wars 2 is such an enormous game and still I clearly felt that this Guide got me off on a good foot covering all the Races, Traits, Professions, Skills, crafting, Exploration 'you also get a 'Quick Reference Map Stand' besides the Guide.Which sits on my desk. And so much more.

This entry was posted on 25.09.2019.