Program Bimbingan Dan Konseling Sma

  1. Bimbingan Konseling Sekolah

Program BK SMA/SMK/MA Kurikulum 2013 ini sebagai pilihan referensi untuk guru bk dalam membuat perangkat sendiri.Program Bimbingan Konseling dibuat dalam beberapa jenjang yang mencakup jangka waktu tertentu mulai dari Program Tahunan, Program Semester, Program Bulanan, Program Mingguan, dan Program Harian yang dapat anda donwload filenya dibawah ini. Program Bimbingan dan Konseling ini bukan hanya sebagai salah satu sumber atau pegangan dari guru BK, melainkan juga sangat berguna bagi Kepala Sekolah sebagai manajer pendidikan di sekolah. Seluruh kegiatan yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan program yang tersusun akan mampu dilaksanakan dengan penuh tanggung jawab oleh semua pihak yang terkait. Jul 17, 2014  Selain itu bimbingan dan konseling adalah membantu pesrta didik dalam tugas perkembangannya agar peserta didik memiliki jiwa pancasila, memiliki sikap positif, dinamis terhadap perkembangan fisik dan psikisnya, memiliki sikap mandiri secara emosional dan sosial ekonomi, memiliki pola hubungan sosial yang baik di dalam keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat, memiliki prestasi belajar yang baik dan.

Nama / NPM Selvia Animsa / 10060084 Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Pembimbing I Marwisni Hasan Pembimbing II Rahma Wira Nita Tahun 2015 Abstrak: This research is motivated by the level of professional competence in organizing counseling teacher giudance and counseling services. Bienfang dry mount press parts. Based on the experience of researchers when acted upon PPLBK School in SMP N 23 Padang on 7 January – 7 June 2014 researchers still find guidance and counseling teachers who do not perform well counseling services in accordance with the demands of the professional competence of teachers guidance and counseling. Purpose of this study was to describe the professional competence of teachers in organizing the guidance and counseling services. This study is a qualitative research that produces descriptive data. Key informants in this study were 3 teachers guidance and counseling and additional informants are 5 people that is the principal, vice curriculum and 3 people homeroom. Instruments used are interviews and documentation.

Bimbingan dan konseling

Data analysis is a data reduction, data display and conclusion. Based on the results of the study revealed that teachers guidance and counseling have not been fully professional competence in organizing guidance and counseling services. In terms of concept and praxis assessment to understand the conditions, needs and problems of learners are also not perfect. As well as in mastering theoretical framework and practical guidance and counseling, guidance and counseling program designing, implementing guidance program.

Further in implementing a comprehensive counseling, assess the process and results of activities guidance and counseling and have the awareness and commitment to professional ethics also not done well.


Bimbingan Konseling Sekolah

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This entry was posted on 11.10.2019.